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Greeting to all,

Importance of Education is not hidden or unknown reality to anyone ever. But the concern is which kind of education is really important, is the one which is being given or the idea NEP 2020 is stressing upon.

Buniyadi Taleem was advocated by Gandhi Ji which emphasized that education must comprise mind soul and body to make the lessons well understood and useful in daily life.  

Education must not be result oriented only it must be though provoking and full of critical thinking to squeeze out the best of every child from within and use his/her potential in all respect education is basically a tool which enables one to use it in one’s own favor as well as for the benefit of society and to strengthen one’s country. The more innovative ideas the more improved society.

Teaching is the toughest and challenging job and the most interesting also. In the development of one’s personality teaching plays a vital role, so the responsibility of teacher can’t be over looked. Fist teacher of the child is always a mother and second is teacher, when they both have understanding and co operation the success and progress of the child will be undoubtful.

School and family must remain in touch and openly discuss child centric issues with healthy mind set with the thought of creating future generation. Then only mission education will be completed.

I as the Head of the Institution always introduce the practices which are necessary for a child’s overall development. After all our kids are our successors and we are responsible for shaping them the best.

Ranjana Bansal
